My Story

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I’ve suffered with Crohn’s disease for 13+ years. I was diagnosed as a teenager, which made me the youngest patient sitting in the doctor’s office for digestive disorders. I lost 30 pounds in 3 months before I knew what was wrong with me and those 3 months were extremely difficult. Some of the people closest to me made assumptions about my weight loss, and at times I wondered if this was all in my head. When I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, I finally felt validation for everything I’d been going through, and I started my journey managing this disease.

Although it wasn’t easy being diagnosed with this so young, I have to say that I struggle the most now that I’m a parent. As a mother to two beautiful, young girls, I want nothing more than to be healthy, energetic, and active, but some days I can’t. Some days I don’t have the energy to play with my girls outside. Some days my abdominal pain is so severe that I can barely get off the couch. And some days I have to rely on my husband to care for our children. I don’t want my girls to grow up with a mother who isn’t fun, isn’t engaged in their lives, and can’t keep up with them.

Perhaps some of you can relate to my story, and that’s why I created this blog. My hope is that this will be used as a forum to offer support to any parent or person managing an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Sometimes all we need is a reminder that we’re not alone.
